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Reiki Fifi Wellness

Raw Celestite Minis

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$2.00 AUD
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$2.00 AUD
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Perfect for gridding, these cute raw celestite minis have been energetically cleansed and activated, right here at Reiki Fifi Wellness.

Madagascar / 1-2cms


Promotes purity of the heart, heals the aura, and helps one recall their dreams with ease.

☽ A very effective stone for stimulating clairvoyance, and helping one access and communicate with the celestial realm.

☽ Improves dysfunctional relationships by facilitating communication in a gentle and peaceful manner.

☽ Helpful for those experiencing feelings of depression as it clears negative thoughts.

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Etheric, Throat

Element: Wind

Zodiac: Gemini

Affirmation: "My heart is pure and my mind is filled with peaceful thoughts."
